You’re Not a Lawyer You’re a Salesman

Last Thursday I was on the phone with a successful attorney and his question reminded me of something valuable I discovered years ago.

About midway through the conversation, the lawyer said:

“Dave, I don’t want to practice law. I want to invite clients into my office, listen to their problems, and offer to help them (when I can).  I want to do this all day.  I realized I love to sell.  Is that okay?”

My reply:

“That’s the best thing I’ve ever heard.”

Implicit in this conversation were two breakthroughs.

First: This attorney realizes that “SELLING” is simply helping people solve problems in exchange for financial compensation.

Second: This attorney finally received absolution for being a “salesman.”

You don’t have to be an attorney to struggle with these concepts.

In 2002, I went from an operational management role with Marriott (hospitality and hotel management) to VP of Business Development with Gallup Consulting.  The role at Gallup was essentially a start-up – meaning if I didn’t find clients, there would be no business.

After my first couple of days on the job, I had a conversation with my wife. I told her how I organized the office, read through the latest research the company produced and familiarized myself with our capabilities.  I said:

“Now I just need some clients.”

Her response:

“You better become a great salesman!”

That hit me like a bucket of cold water in the face.  Nothing happens until you sell something.  I am a fantastic consultant.  I’m a great executive coach. I help business leaders solve complex problems.  But unless I sell something to someone, I am the smartest person NOBODY knows.

This should be the bucket of cold water in your face.

Unless you learn how to develop relationships and offer to help people in return for financial compensation, you will be the best lawyer nobody knows.

You sales style should be consultative. It should be a soft approach.  It should make people feel good.

But you must sell.

There is no way around it.

The sooner you realize this and learn how to develop relationships, the faster you will make a great living and live a great life®.

Dave Lorenzo is the leading expert on selling for professionals. He helps business leaders make a great living and live a great life®. Call him today: (786) 438-1986