Welcome to Do This Sell More with Dave Lorenzo

Make a Great Living and Live a Great Life®️

Welcome to Do This Sell More! In this podcast, you will learn how to develop more and deeper relationships to make more money and still get home on time every night. Dave introduces himself and why you should listen to this show. You can change everything and take control of your future by focusing on relationship-based sells. When you learn how to build relationships, you learn how to generate revenue on demand. This podcast is for everyone. So come join us during your Thursday lunch and you too can Do This Sell More.

“Relationship-based sales can give you back control of your business and control of your life.” Dave Lorenzo

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About Dave Lorenzo

David Lorenzo is a sales expert, business strategy consultant, and author who has built five successful businesses during the past 25 years. Some of his most impressive ventures include taking a corporate housing company from start-up to over $50 million in annual revenue and leading a professional services firm from start-up to over $250 million in revenue.

Dave does three things: He works with business leaders to develop sales strategy and drive revenue growth. He develops and delivers speeches and training programs that increase sales. He coaches entrepreneurs, sales executives, and professionals on relationship-based sales strategy.

Dave received his MBA from Pace University. He also holds a Masters’ of Science in Strategic Communications from Columbia University in New York City.


Connect with Dave Lorenzo

Website: https://davelorenzo.com/
Twitter: @TheDaveLorenzo
Instagram: @TheDaveLorenzo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheDaveLorenzo/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thedavelorenzo
Youtube: http://youtube.com/c/DaveLorenzo