How To Use Social Media To Boost Sales
Written by Dave Lorenzo on October 17, 2016 / Archived Podcasts / Sales Strategy
How to Use Social Media to Boost Sales
In this episode of the 60 Second Sales Show we discuss how social media can help you grow sales quickly.
There are three aspects to sales growth with Social Media:
- Visibility
- Credibility
- Differentiation
We look at each of these in this week’s who and go into detail on how you can use social media to leverage them.
Here is the transcript of this episode:
Hi everybody. Welcome to another edition of the 60 Second Sale Show. I am your host, Dave Lorenzo. Today, I thought we’d start off with a great question from one of our listeners. The question we’re going to get today is it’s something that comes up all the the time. I’ll explain why in a moment. Before we do that. I want to make sure that I introduce you to our fantastic, talented producer, Nancy Pop. Hi Nancy, how are you today?
Nancy: Hi Dave, I’m good. How are you doing?
Dave: I’m fantastic, thank you. Nancy, why don’t read the question? Actually, you and I discussed the question before we came on the air. This is a question that I got from Jackie on Twitter. It’s a question about social media. Why don’t you go ahead and read us the question then we can have a conversation about it and talk a little bit more about how to leverage exactly what Jackie is talking about?
Nancy: Yes. I think Jackie had a really great question. A lot of people today will really benefit from hearing what you have to say. Her question is, how do I make best use of social media for selling my product? I have hundreds of people following me and connected to me on Facebook and Twitter, Instagram but I can never get them to buy anything.
Dave: Right. You mentioned, we started out the conversation about this and I said, “No, no, no, let’s save it for the show because this could be great information that we could share with our viewers, better use would be sharing it with our viewers or our listeners. Go ahead and tell me what we were, start off with what we were talking about before we started the show today. You were saying?
Nancy: Yes. What I was saying was, I have a lot of friends or a lot of people that I’ve worked with in the past. They’re all trying to develop their lifestyle brand whether it’s through Instagram, or Twitter, or their Facebook page has thousands of followers. They just don’t, maybe they’re not good salesman or maybe they just don’t know how to utilize social media to get the most out of it but they’re having such a hard time redirecting people to their website or redirecting people to their sales or to their services whatever it is they’re trying to do. Maybe it’s a problem with the content they’re putting up, maybe it’s a problem with just, I don’t know. They’re just having problems doing it. It’s such a big problem for them.
Dave: Yeah. I understand completely what you’re talking about. This is something that, just like Jackie said like you’re saying now I hear all the time. People go out and they connect with hundreds, dozens, thousand, tens of thousands of people on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, whatever the social media platform du jour is or the social media platforms that’s the most desirable platform for your target audience. You feel like you’re putting out great information but there’s no response in terms of converting people from folks who are just out there doing what appears to be lurking into converting them into sales. What do you do?
This question baffled me for, I want to say probably, I have to say the better part of 10 years. I’ll tell you, I’ll give you my history on Twitter for example. I was one of the early adopters of Twitter. I loved Twitter. I’ll give you a couple of examples of great relationships that I’ve developed through using Twitter.
My original Twitter handle was DLorenzo, DLORENZO. After a few years, I started using Twitter in 2006-2007, and really got into it in 2008. I had built my followers up to about, I guess it was about 10,000. Then at one point, I felt the same frustration, Nancy. You were discussing the same frustration that Jackie shared with us on Twitter in her question. I just abandoned it for 2 years. The reason I did was because I felt like I was putting so much energy and so much effort into it by sharing great information, I wasn’t getting anything out of it. Nobody was going to my website, they were reading articles, but nobody was calling me up saying, “Hey, I found you on Twitter and I want to give you $100,000”. That was the frustration I had.
What I didn’t understand at that time was that Twitter and social media as a whole isn’t about converting people into clients on the spot. In fact, the view that I should have had on social media is the exact same view I have of the 60 Second Sales process. For those of you who are new to the show, my process, the 60 Second Sales process is one of developing a relationship with someone that will last a lifetime. I liken it to falling in love at first sight with someone in a business setting.
You take 60 seconds and you sell yourself. You take 60 seconds and develop that relationship then the value that you receive over a lifetime is the by-product. In social media, I was thinking to myself, particularly on Twitter, I was thinking of that as a one night stand, right? That’s the way a lot of people think of sales.
“Oh, I’m going to go on Twitter. I’m going to put out a bunch of content for a week. People are going to come to me and want to spend money with me. They’re going to love me so much right away, they’re going to want to gender home with me right now tonight”. That’s not the way it works. It doesn’t work that way in business, for sales, and it doesn’t work that way on social media. Here is the conclusion that I’ve come to that I know now from my own experience and from the experience that I’ve seen my clients have. Here’s the conclusion that I’ve come to in social media and it’s the same conclusion that I’ve come to with sales. That is that it’s not enough just to put out great content. It’s not enough just to put out great information. You can’t be out there on “send” all the time and not develop relationships with people.
It would be better for you to have 10 real relationships on Instagram, 10 on Twitter, 10 on Facebook, 10 on Snapchat, give and take relationships where you can have conversations exchange information, deliver value to one another, build that up first over time, have 10 of those that you can count on for the long term. Then when you ask them to buy something they will actually buy. It would be better to have 10 of those than 100,000 people who you can send out great information to and they’ll read it, they’ll consume it. They’ll eat up whatever chum you’re throwing out there but they’re never going to provide any value back to you in return because you don’t have a relationship with them.
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, they’re like going to a cocktail party. You go to the party and you meet some people. You hang out, you have a conversation. You know what? Friendship may or may not develop depending upon what you have in common and the value you can bring to one another, the value you can deliver to each other’s lives. If you’re not out there having conversations, exchanging value, developing relationships, you can expect that you’ll get exactly what you’re delivering from social media and that’s nothing. Do you deliver into social media? Nothing. You may be delivering a ton of value but you’re not listening to what the people actually want.
What does this mean for you and for marketing? Well, I’ll give you some thoughts on that in just a moment. Nancy, let’s get back to the folks who were developing lifestyle brands. There’s a couple of things in there that I think are worth exploring. You mentioned those two words, lifestyle and brand. The first thing I think we should talk about is the lifestyle element as a whole. When you sell a lifestyle brand, what does that exactly mean?
Nancy: It can mean several things. The way that social media is evolving now, you see people that are, they are developing entire careers off of Instagram. Whether it’s some girl that’s just posting sexy photos of herself and suddenly she’s bringing in $80k a year by being sponsored by T or Nike or whatever you know. People are making entire careers out of it. Or it can be someone that is launching their own yoga company. Now they’re blogging, they’re doing what you’re doing, they’re podcasting, they’re putting out videos and they’re selling their personal training.
People find ways now especially millennials. They’re taking so much advantage of social media and they’re figuring out new ways to use it for their benefit. People are developing these careers through photos or just blogging. The simplest things that, we would think it’s so easy but it takes a lot of work. It takes a lot of work and it takes a lot of ambition.
Dave: I agree. I think there’s a whole host of things that you just covered in there. Some of them I think are fantastic. Others, I think in some ways they may have caught lightning in a bottle. There’s three elements to any good positioning, marketing or sales campaign. The three elements, and we can address exactly what you’re talking about under the umbrella of these three elements. The three elements are visibility, credibility and differentiation.
When we talk about the folks that you just mentioned, let’s take… first and foremost, let’s take somebody who’s looking to get sponsorships. You look for visibility and you say to yourself, “Okay, I want to be sponsored by Nike because I’m going to be able to attract 100,00 followers on Instagram. This is going to be valuable. This is going to be incredibly valuable if I attract 100,000 followers on Instagram. Nike is going to want to connect with me, they’re going to want to sponsor me because they’re going to want my 100,000 followers to put their eyeballs on Nike’s website or when Nike makes an offer, they’re going to want my 100,000 followers to see that offer because they know that they’ll convert one percent of those people and they’ll be thrilled with that 1% conversion.
That, for me, is a visibility play. If you have what it takes to develop 100,000 real, legitimate, responsive followers, then sure, I think that that makes complete and total sense. But for most of us who are in a business setting, you have a business that actually sells products or services. You’re not out there looking to just simply drive sponsorships, your purpose in life with visibility is to be able to go out and attract people who’d be interested in what you have to say. Those people out there without come and connect with you on Instagram or on Facebook or on Twitter, they’re suspects. They’re people you suspect might want to do business with you someday.
But you don’t know that they are prospects and that’s a person who’s qualified, they have money, they have a problem you can solve, they have the ability to make a decision on whether or not they’ll hire you or buy your product. You don’t know if they’re ever going to be prospects. That’s the challenge of social media today. You develop all these followers and now I have something like rebuilt my Twitter following to 8500 people following me on Twitter which is okay. I guess it’s better than the average person but it’s nowhere near what successful business people have who really focus on Twitter have. I have over 9500 people connected to me on Instagram, 30,000 plus on LinkedIn and Facebook between combining all my pages, 2,000 or 3,000 people.
Those people who are out there on my social media sites, for me, I focus on having conversations, real conversations with them, understanding what they’re thinking, this is a huge value a social media provides. I can get inside their heads, understand what they’re thinking, see how they make… see, feel and hear how they make decisions and then I can use that information to reach them and people like them in a way that will resonate with them. For me, the smaller numbers, I’d love to have huge numbers. The smaller numbers enable me to have a more intimate relationship with the followers I have, with the people to whom I’m connected so that I can understand what process they go through when they buy products, or when they buy my services. This will help me craft better offers to them.
That’s what social media is all about. It expands the universe that not only we’re visible to but also that we can have legitimate, real conversations with and understand how they think. That’s, I think, one of the things that’s always been missing from the sales process. We go out there and when I say we, it’s the royal we. It’s all of us as professionals who are entrepreneurs, who are business people. We try and sell our services.
We sell our services based on the value we think we can provide to other people. We don’t really know if there’s a value that’s a byproduct of the service that we’re providing that we’re completely missing out on. I’ll give you an example.
A friends of mine wanted to stop smoking. She had smoked for her entire adult life. If you’ve ever met someone who’s in their 30s who wants to stop smoking or even older, it’s very, very difficult. Your body becomes addicted to nicotine very quickly. That addiction is strong. I think these days as people have grown up with a culture that is not accepting of smoking anymore, fewer and fewer people start smoking in their teenage years and continue through their adult years. But my friend had smoked her entire, from probably the age of 16 in high school up until the point where she was 33 and she wanted to quit.
She told her doctor during her physical that she wanted to quit and the doctor was thrilled and the doctor, “I’m going to help you. I’m going to put you on an anti-depressant product which suppresses the urge to smoke. It’s a product called [inaudible 00:15:00] and they give it to people who are prone to depression. It’s a breakthrough product in that area but it has an off label use. The off label is that it suppresses the desire to smoke. This works phenomenally well for my friend. She was able to wean herself off the medication after awhile. She’s been able to quit smoking. My point is that all of our services, all of our products have these off label uses if you will. These unintended consequences, the unintended value that we provide. Until we talk to our customers, until we talk to our clients, we may not recognize some of that value.
Social media provides you with the ability to have those conversations. If you have a product or you have a service and you know someone or you’re connected to someone like the person Nancy mentioned who has 100,000 followers, a great use of their sphere of influence, of their visibility, would be for you to send them your products, send them your service, have them discuss it on their social media platform. What they liked, what they didn’t like, have them show it in video form, have them post pictures of it so people can see it. There, the visibility the have on social media so Nike is sponsoring the person that Nancy mentioned, that visibility could be valuable and people could have conversations about all the different ways they derive value from the product or the service.
That is a great use of social media as a tool. Leverage somebody else’s visibility of you don’t have it so that they can see your product or your service. Now, I know what you’re thinking right? You’re out there thinking right now, well that’s great Dave if you’re manufacturing sneakers like Nike or you’re manufacturing yoga wear like Nike and people can wear it, other people can look at it and say whether they like it or not, but what if you provide a service? How can you demonstrate that service?
Well, I think, Nancy, you also mentioned something about trainors or yoga instructors, you could do things like before and after, transformational videos, transformational case studies where people start doing yoga today and they’re completely inflexible and you show videos of them and you instructing them. Then over time, every two or three weeks, we visit this person and see how they’re doing and we show that transformation over time. What does that do for you as a yoga instructor who’s building your social media base in trying to leverage social media. There’s a couple of things.
It enhances your credibility. Remember we said, visibility, credibility and differentiation were the three keys in any great sales or marketing campaign. It enhances your credibility because people are seeing an actual transformation take place on social media over time with this person and it also differentiates from everyone else who does what you do because people see you out there in real time helping someone. That’s value. That’s great value on social media and it’s value whether you’re delivering that value for 10 people who are highly engaged with whom you have a conversational relationship. It’s also great value if it’s 100,000 people.
The value of social media is there from a visibility standpoint, from a credibility standpoint, and from a differentiation standpoint. I’ll give you a couple of examples of relationships that I’ve developed on social media that have become fantastic for me and that I would never have otherwise. Back in 2008 when I was first of Twitter. I met a guy who I started going back and forth with having 140 character conversations on Twitter mostly about football. He was a Miami Dolphins fan, I’m a Jet fan, and about practicing law in Florida. At that time, I was working with a lot of lawyers and it’s very difficult for lawyers to develop business in Florida. He happens to be an ethics lawyer who helps lawyers who get in trouble. We had those two things in common, football and the practice of law and the ethical way to develop client relationships.
We would go back and forth on twitter having conversations and discussions sometimes around articles that would appear in trade journals in the practice of law, sometimes around sports. Sometimes it’s just around Miami, the weather and stupid things that happen here. We developed this connection on Twitter. At one point he said to me, “You know, it might makes sense for us to get together for lunch since we both live in Miami”. We did, that was 8 years ago and we’ve been friends ever since. We’re close friends now. We see each other 2 or 3 times a month, for lunch and dinner. Our families are friends. A real, genuine has developed as well as a business relationship. I refer business to him, he refers business to me, we speak at some of the same conferences. That’s a relationship that developed strictly based upon social media, based upon Twitter, based upon a connection we made on Twitter. Social media has value but the value comes in developing the relationships just like in sales.
We talked about visibility, we talked about developing credibility using social media, now let’s talk about differentiation. This, for me, is the easiest one. So many of my clients struggle with, “Hey, Dave, how do I differentiate myself. I don’t know what I do that’s different than everybody else”. Well, remember when you were in kindergarten, when I was in kindergarten, my teacher’s name was Mrs. Fitzgerald. Mrs. Fitzgerald used to tell all of us that we were all unique, we were all like snowflakes, no two of us were the same, we were all different. Now look, that sounds like a bunch of crap, okay, it really does. But, it happens to be true. It sounds like a little, a lot of romp a room garbage but it really is true.
You’re different than I am, Nancy is different than I am, Nancy is different than you are, we’re all different sharing the way you approach things, sharing your own unique style, your own unique problem solving ability, your own personality that will differentiate you. I’m not kidding myself. There are a hundred or if not a thousand or ten thousand people out there that I can teach you how to sell stuff. I like my approach, my relationship-based approach. I think my approach is better than any other approach you’re going to find out there but I think the way I bring this information to you is what makes me different. The way you bring your product to your service to your clients, the way you deliver your value, your own unique style, that’s what makes you different. When you’re on social media, be yourself.
As we’re recording this show, this is, we’re like 3 weeks from a Presidential election in the United States. We have a candidate that has been essentially concocted out of reality television and Twitter, Donald Trump. Donald Trump’s campaign right now exists quit frankly because he has access to 12 million people on Twitter. Of the 12 million, a huge portion of them are media people who need a story to write. They need something to talk about on television. They need something to host a show about on radio. The fact that they have access to this guys and his stream of consciousness at 3:00 in the morning on Twitter makes him valuable to them. He brings his own unique style and bringing that style is part of his, I guess you’d say his brand, if you will. You have the same thing.
When you’re on Twitter, you got to let your personality show. When you’re on Facebook, you got to let your personality show. When you’re sharing stuff on social media, don’t try and play it middle of the road. You got to be out there laying it all on the line being yourself, having an opinion, that’s what people really get into.
If you’re not someone’s cup of tea. They’ll go away. Guess what, that vacuum will fill with people who you do resonate with. That vacuum will fill with people who want to have a relationship with you. Visibility, credibility, differentiation, those are the three ways you can make use of social media to be more attractive but at the end of the day, what it’s all about is developing relationships. Connecting with people, developing relationships and then gently put out a few offers here and there over time once you’ve exchanged some value with some people. You’ll find that the offers seem to work better. The reason is because it’s real now.
If I just throw a bunch of stuff out there and see what sticks, I’m like everybody else, I’m like McDonald’s advertising on TV. Throwing up a commercial, if you like the clown with the big red shoes and the nose, you’ll do business with me. No, that’s not the way social media works.
If you want to engage people on social media, you first go out and say, “Hey, what’s on your mind? What’s going on? I read the story today, here’s what I think about it. Anybody think anything about it? Yeah, this is my opinion, this is my opinion, great, happy to hear your opinion, let’s exchange, let’s have a conversation. Let’s exchange information about this specific topic in this article.” You do that a few times then you’ve got a relationship. You develop that relationship over time people want to hear more about you and what you do, guess what, you’re off to the races, that’s how you start client relationships. Real life, social media, not much different. It’s all about developing and building relationships over time.
Nancy, what do you think?
Nancy: I think the hardest part about it is the differentiation. I think there’s been such a huge, huge exponential increase in social media the past few years obviously. As more and more are figuring out how to use it and figuring out how to use it to their business advantage, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for people to find a way to stand out. How many yoga Instagram accounts are there? What else do we need to see? What else do we need to hear from people on Twitter? That’s definitely, for me anyways, the hardest part. It’s just figuring out your voice and unique content that hasn’t been heard or regurgitated a million times over.
Dave: I get it. I totally get it. You’re right about that. There are thousands of people out there who are yoga instructors on Twitter. How many yoga instructors are there on Twitter now, or in Instagram now or on YouTube or even on Facebook who are demonstrating for example ways to teach yoga to develop mentally-challenged kids.
Nancy: See, that’s unique. That would catch my eye.
Dave: Exactly. That’s exactly the point, right? How many yoga instructors are there out there now who are on YouTube demonstrating how yoga can be a value to veterans returning from Iraq with serious injuries?
Nancy: Right.
Dave: Right? All of us have talent. We know if we’re lucky enough, if we’re fortunate enough, and we’ve done enough soul searching we know what that talent is. What you need to do is you need to find a way to develop talent so that its’ interesting to other people and it helps you start a conversation. If you’re a talented yoga instructor, you think of some of the unintended consequences of yoga. Well, it helps improve focus. Great. Let’s go take a handful of kids with ADD and let’s teach them yoga and see what happens, right?
With heir permission, with their parents’ permission, let’s record them and if it works out well, we’ll put it on YouTube and we’ll talk about it. Maybe by doing that, we’ll start a conversation with other people and that will help other people.
That would be a way to use your talent as yoga instructor to try and help improve focus in young people and, as long as it works well and you have everyone’s permission, there’s a happy by-product. The happy by-product is improved focus in these kids and perhaps somebody will see the video on YouTube and it will help them improve the life of their kid and that starts a really interesting conversation.
I think there are ways to differentiate yourself as long as you know you have that self-awareness you know where your talent lies. If you’re willing to go take that talent to a place that makes you… you’re willing to, Star Trek, you’re willi8ng to boldly go where no one has gone before, take your talent to a place where no one has gone before and you can differentiate yourself. It’d be hard for me to come up with a mundane area that you couldn’t differentiate yourself. For goodness’ sake, for years and years and years, I work with lawyers and accountants and then I help them differentiate themselves. If I could do it with lawyers and accountants, I can do it with you. My point is, everybody has a unique ability, everybody has talent, leverage your talent in a way that makes you interesting, compelling and you can start conversations and that’s what social media is all about.
Speaking of social media, my friends, if you have a question like the great question that Jackie asked us to kickoff our show today, reach out to me, the three primary social media platforms that I’m on all the time, dozens of times each day, Facebook, thedavelorenzo, Twitter, thedavelorenzo and Instagram, guess what it is, you got it, thedavelorenzo. Now, I post personal and business. I co-mingle it all together. It’s everywhere. You’re going to see business and personal stuff. Instagram especially. Instagram is a conflagration of my personal life and my business life. The Facebook page @thedavelorenzo is primarily business stuff, occasionally some personal will creep in. Twitter is business/personal. I talk about whatever you want to talk about. I talk about what interests me. That’s more of a conversational platform for me. I even put some politics on there because I like to get into fights with people and see what they think.
You only have one life so your business and your personal, combining the two, putting them both together, I think it makes you more interesting. When you’re more interesting, you’re someone who I want to have a relationship with. When you’re more interesting you’re someone I want to do business with because there’s plenty of boring people out there. I want to do business with people who are interesting.
Any final thoughts Nancy before we wrap up for today?
Nancy: Yes, I do have a final thought. What do you think is going to be the next best thing after social media? Or, do you think social media will really just be the end all be all?
Dave: Wow, What a great question. Social media, I think the whole social from social media is going to go away. I think at some point, it’s just media. I think you’re going to find that something like YouTube is going to be the preferred way people watch what we now call television shows. The beauty of that is that you and I can have our own television show. It may be more interesting than some of the stuff that’s produced by Hollywood. I think video is going to expand even more. I think real time video is going to be something that is going, it’s already influencing the way we act, the way we behave.
You can see today, and I was just having this discussion and we should probably actually do an entire show on live video, I was just discussing how this epidemic of African-American men in particular about African-American people in the United States being shot, I never realized how bad it was, how many people are shot because of inherent bias. I’ve been exposed to this because of real-time video, because of Facebook live video, because of Periscope, because of People, videoing situations that come up where, we had one two months ago where an African-American man whose car broke down in the middle of the street. He’s standing there and the police are approaching him with their guns drawn, I’m white my car break down in the middle of the street, those cops are coming to me with a gas can and jumper cables.
They walk up to this gentleman with their guns drawn and he’s shot and killed. This happens a lot. This happens on average, after this being brought to my attention, this happens on average over 30 times a month. I’m not saying how many, I don’t… on average over 30 African-American men are shot by police each month. This is something that is coming to the forefront now because of live video.
I think that’s a very heavy serious topic and that’s something that we as a country have to address. An issue that serious coming to the forefront by live video demonstrates to us the power of this form of media. My opinion is that all of us from a business perspective which is serious to us from a day-to-day perspective of how we make our living, that’s going to be I think the thing that we all start to focus on. You get your box, you get your new shoes from Nike, my son, we just ordered my son cleats, baseball cleats. He gets his new baseball cleats, he’s excited. We do a live video, unboxing them, putting them on, how do they feel? “Oh, they feel great. I’m running around. I feel terrific in them.” He plays his first game, we do a live video of him wearing his Nike, stealing second base. That’s going to be the most powerful form of communication.
Nancy: That’s an advertisement right there.
Dave: That’s exactly right. You know what? It’s a hundred times more believable as an advertisement than a Just Do It commercial with Derek Jeter stealing second base because, my kids are never going to run like Derek Jeter. I love him but he’s never going to be Derek Jeter, right? The fact that these shoes are effective for an everyday kid, making him more effective at stealing second base, that resonates with me because I have a regular kid. I don’t have Derek Jeter. I think you’re going to see stuff like that when it comes to social media, that where people are going to go to figure out what makes the most sense to buy.
You’re a grandmother. You want to buy a video game console for your kid. You don’t know anything about video consoles but you wrote down PlayStation, Xbox, PSP, you wrote down a bunch of names. What are you going to do? You’re going to go to your Facebook page and you’re going to post something, “Has anybody bought any one of these for their kids? what are they really like for video games? Let me know.”
Your friends, your grandma friends are going to chime in as to what they bought, then you’re going to do a search based on those results you get an you’re going to see what? You’re going to see testimonials, right? You’re going to see reviews. You’re going to see all this other stuff online. Then that’s going to take you to a video of someone actually using the product and showing you how easy or how difficult it is to use.
Now, you’ve gone in a span of a one hour time period or maybe they want to collecting information on Facebook 24 hours or 48 hour time period, you’ve gone from knowing nothing about video games to getting the exact video game your grandchild wanted for him for the holidays. That’s powerful.
I think to directly answer your question, the social part of social media is going to go away. It’s just going to become media. That’s going to be the way we make better decisions and all of our serious decisions about purchasing products and services, that’s going to be the way we consume our media. Television shows are no longer going to be limited to specific days and times. We can watch whatever we want, whenever we want. We can search for products on demand on our phones while we’re in a store or while in the dentist waiting room. I think the power of social media is here to stay. I think it’s just going to be just another way for us to get the information we need when we need it.
Nancy: I think also just to add my own little bit about it, virtual reality, I see that coming up more and more on my timeline. I think in the next 20-30 years, that’s going to be a huge game-changer.
Dave: It’s funny you mentioned that. Those of you who connect with me on Instagram, I’ll go, after this show, I’m going to post on Instagram a shot of my son at Fenway Park in Boston playing a virtual reality baseball game. Fenway Park has this great section underneath the right field bleachers where you can bring kids before or during the game. They can put on these virtual reality headsets. It’s like a helmet with glasses and you’re actually on the field at Fenway Park with the real players while players are hitting the ball, throwing the ball, you’re catching it, it is really, really cool. The next generation of that is putting you in an actual game.
You’re standing next to the centerfielder while the ball is hit during the live game. That to me is amazing but the possibilities of that, you want to go to a resort, let’s say, and you want to go to a resort in Mexico and you’ve never been to this place in Mexico before. You can put on the virtual reality glasses, go to their website and guess what? You’re standing on the beach, their beach in Mexico looking around turning 360 degrees around actually experiencing what it will be like when you go there. That’s fantastic. I love virtual reality. I think you’re right. I think there’s a lot of really good stuff on the horizon with that.
All right folks, that’ll do it for this episode. We look forward to seeing you right back here next week. Remember, reach out to us on Facebook at thedavelorenzo, on Twitter at thedavelorenzo, and Instagram, of course, at thedavelorenzo.