Money In The Mail: How To Use Direct Mail To Grow Sales | DTSM 81

What does your prospecting plan look like? Have you considered using direct mail to increase customer leads? If not, you should consider it.

Using direct mail is beneficial because it can be very cost-effective and highly targeted. Compared to email, direct marketing material is far more likely to be read by the prospect.

However, it’s important to know how to be successful with direct marketing. There are a few steps that you can take in order to make this an effective part of your prospecting plan.

The first step is to identify 100 companies that you want to work with. It’s important to do some research and find companies that would make for good customer leads. This will help you to target your campaign.

The second step is to find five people in each company who are good targets. These are the people who you’ll want to direct your campaign at.

Then, outline 12 topics you’ll use in the campaign. When coming up with your topics, make sure that they’re interesting, entertaining, and emotionally provocative.

The fourth step is to send one letter to each person on the list each month. Make sure you’re consistent about this.

And the final step is to follow-up with a phone call one week after mailing each letter. After having received and read the letter, your phone call won’t seem cold and your chances of building a good rapport will be much better than if you had just called with no introduction.

The targeted nature of direct mail makes it a highly effective part of any prospecting plan. Follow these five steps and you’ll be able to increase your customer leads with a well-designed campaign.