Magic Words That Close Deals | Do This Sell More Show 57

When pitching an idea to a company, what do you say to close? In this show, I describe how to close a sale every time using a series of five statements and questions.

First, remind the client of the problem that they’re having and then offer to help with that problem. The client will ask what you can do for them. You can tell them exactly what you have to offer.

If the client seems lukewarm about you helping, ask why you aren’t working together if it’s in their budget and you have the solution. This statement will preemptively thwart many of the possible objections.

If you reach this point in pitching an idea to a company and they say they don’t know, suggest that they just give it a try. This simple suggestion is key to knowing how to close a sale every time. This is because if it works, they’ll be thrilled and will want to buy.

If they still don’t agree by the time you offer to give it a try, ask them if they’d work with you if it were free. If they say, yes, show them what the return on investment will be. Offer them a deferred payment plan, which will allow you to demonstrate that return on investment.

If they don’t want to work with you even if it’s free, just offer to be friends. Now you’ve taken the pressure off of them and they’ll feel much better about the prospect of making a deal.

If you’d like to know how to close a sale every time, try this progression of statements and questions. Next time you’re pitching an idea to a company, these magic words will help you get the most out of your relationship.

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