Do This Get Business

Everyone wants to see the baby, but nobody wants to deal with the labor pains.

It’s human nature.

I have to work hard to get most of my clients to implement the strategies I teach. In fact, I have to sell them on the idea that taking action is the key to success.

(Most people believe that good ideas are the key to success but, in reality, an idea not implemented is worthless).

If you want something that is as close to a surefire client attraction strategy as I can give you, listen up. I’m going to give it to you, step-by-step. Here it is:

The weekly newsletter is one of THE MOST POWERFUL client attraction tools ever invented.

Here’s how you can implement this, immediately:

Step 1: Collect contact information from everyone you meet. This idea is not rocket science. After you have a conversation with someone, ask them if you can add them to your newsletter list. Once they agree, ask for a business card.

Step 2: Add that contact information to an email program that allows you to send email newsletters in bulk. Do your homework in this step. Use a reputable service that has a high deliverability rate.

Step 3: Send a “Welcome” email. This step is critical. You want to send an email to everyone who signs up, and you want to ask them to “confirm” their subscription. This confirmation is known as a “double opt-in, ” and it helps make sure you are sending an email to people who want it. Almost every email service requires email confirmation these days, and they make this process easy.

Step 4: Send your subscribers a weekly newsletter. You may bristle at the frequency, but that is the key to success. Frequency of communication builds trust. If your newsletter is interesting, people will want to read it every week.

What you can expect

The results from this simple process will amaze you.

It will take about six months before you see any clients from this effort. (Hey, it’s not magic. People on your list need to get to know you, like you and trust you.)

If you focus on building your list and if you provide interesting and entertaining content every week, you can expect people to contact you when they have a need for your services.

My clients who use this system swear by it and I use it myself.