Content Drives Sales
Written by Dave Lorenzo on April 3, 2018 / Sales Strategy
People want to work with experts. People pay to work with experts. People pay a premium to work with experts. You’re so busy trying to get your product into the hands of everyone you meet you forget what people are actually buying.
People aren’t buying a widget. They are buying a solution to their problem.
You have to show them you have that solution.
You’ve got to make a case.
You’ve got to demonstrate the effectiveness of the solution – through stories – through case studies – by giving the prospective client examples and making an emotional connection.
Here’s how you do that:
Step One: Write Articles
This the main reason you have a website. Share your knowledge with people so they can see how you think and how effective you are. Your website is a repository of your knowledge. People who are thinking of working with you will read everything you’ve written. They want to immerse themselves in your knowledge.
Step Two: Create Video
Video helps develop a relationship with you faster than almost anything else. You show up on someone’s phone and on their computer and you speak directly to them. The more frequently you do that, the deeper the relationship.
Step Three: Articulate Solutions
Each piece of content must offer a solution to the audience member. That’s what people are buying. Nobody wants to exercise but they want the beach body. Spell out the solution and make it easy to swallow.
So what’s in this for you?
You’re a pharmaceutical representative trying to get doctors to write more prescriptions. You’re a real estate lawyer trying to get realtors to send you their closings. You’re an accountant trying to get people to bring their taxes to you instead of going to the tax prep shop in the strip mall.
Well, solve the problem your client is facing (or a portion of it) in every article and video.
The pharma rep must make it easy for the doc to prescribe their product. Have samples on hand as well as information about the effectiveness of the drug vs. the generic alternative. Arm the doc with the talking points in an email and on your personal website (yes, everyone should have a personal website).
The real estate attorney must produce information on closing disasters and how to avoid them. Publish these stories and case studies as often as possible.
The accountant should do the same thing – talk about why you need a licenses professional to handle your taxes. He should also share the disaster stories of people who went to the unqualified strip mall shop.
Content drives sales. Produce as much content as possible and you’ll attract more people. Attracting more people means more sales.