Common Sense Is Your Superpower
Written by Dave Lorenzo on May 11, 2020 / Inside BS Podcast
This is day 6 of the 10 day’s of success and today we are talking about common sense.
Today we talk about common sense and how it can be your superpower. These days we should expect people to lie to us. You read that correctly. People Lie to us every day. But when you apply common sense, you can see through those lies. We show you how on today’s show.
On this show I share five ways to make common sense your superpower:
One: Ask for evidence to support any claim that is made about a product or service before you invest in it (emotionally or financially).
Two: Talk to people who have worked with the company or the person in the past – ask for references. Ask the people who are used as references for other people to who you can speak.
Three: Ask to meet with people who have stopped working with this person/company. You want to speak with people who are no longer customers.
Four: Ask the company representative what will happen if you do a Google search or a background check on them and their company. If they disclose negative information, don’t hold it against them (unless it is illegal or immoral). Then do a Google search or a background check and see what shows up.
Five: Offer a to pay a performance bonus if the speed or the results are better than you expect. Also ask for a discount, in advance, if they don’t meet the deadlines or get the results.
We cover all of these on today’s show, Be sure and listen and subscribe.