You’re Not a Lawyer You’re a Salesman
Last Thursday I was on the phone with a successful attorney and his question reminded me of something valuable I discovered years ago. About midway through the conversation, the lawyer […]
Last Thursday I was on the phone with a successful attorney and his question reminded me of something valuable I discovered years ago. About midway through the conversation, the lawyer […]
During this day and age of limited time and resources I am constantly being asked to boil success down to a handful of qualities. Everybody wants the five “secrets” to […]
When was the last time you gave any thought to your sales message? Have you ever delivered a sales message to an audience only to have them misinterpret your intent? […]
A couple of days ago I met someone who I am certain that I will never forget. This was not a famous person. This was not someone who was a […]
Early in my career I transitioned from a job managing a business for Marriott into a role where my responsibility was primarily to develop new business relationships in the world […]
Making money should be second nature for you. You’re smart. You rely on facts and proof to help you make decisions. You are great at selling. And when you need […]
Most of my clients want a sexy new trick that will help them close deals. The most successful business leaders still use lots of old fashioned strategies to attract clients […]
There are three things that separate successful people from those who remain stuck in “neutral.” These three things are not taught in any school. They’re not found in a book […]
You want to know what you can do today to attract more clients. I get it. There’s noting wrong with wanting specifics. Here are seven ways to sell today. The […]
It’s all about relationships. This is the first episode of the live video show: How to Become a Sales Superstar. Here is the transcript: Hey, how’s it going? I am […]