Barry Conchie: Sales and Leadership | Do This Sell More Show 5
Written by Dave Lorenzo on April 25, 2019 / Inside BS Podcast
The Do This Sell More Show began as a weekly interview between Dave Lorenzo and a special guest. In this show Dave’s guest is Barry Conchie.
In this episode, Dave and Barry discuss:
- Lessons of leadership.
- Mindset shift before change is made.
- Building complementary partnerships.
- Variations on the sales ladder within a company.
Key Takeaways and actionable tips:
- Don’t operate on the pretense of success, when evidence says it won’t.
- We cannot assess ourselves without bias, take an objective assessment to know your strengths and weaknesses.
- Being a brilliant performer in the sales role, is not a guarantee you will be a great sales leader.
- Numbers-game sellers and relationship sellers are two different personalities of people.
“Stop thinking you’re going to solve a problem that no amount of effort so far has lead to a solution – get out of it!” – Barry Conchie
Sales and Leadership; An Interview with Barry Conchie
Here is the transcript of the interview with Barry.
Dave Lorenzo: This is the Do This Sell More show. I’m Dave Lorenzo and you are in for a special treat today. This is going to seem like a conversation with an old friend because in fact it is. Today we have with us Barry Conchie. Now I know Barry Conchie before he was … From before he was an absolute superstar in the field of executive coaching, leadership selection and professional development for those at the C level and when I say C level, I mean CEO, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer. If you’re in a leadership position in a company, this is the guy you need to listen to. He’s the guy you need to invite in when you’re having real challenging issues and when you’re thinking about making serious moves and you don’t know whether you’re doing the right thing and I know senior executives are hesitant to admit that they don’t know when they’re doing the right thing, but Barry Conchie is the guy to call.
Now, I know Barry, from our days of working together at Gallup. He was one of my most valuable partners, but right now he owns his own company. He’s the Founder and President of Conchie Associates. He previously headed the Gallup organizations Global Leadership Research and Development Business and he was there until 2013 as a senior scientist. He was born and educated in the UK. That’s why he sounds much more sophisticated than I do. He’s got 35 years of experience in the areas of psychometric assessment, executive coaching, top level succession planning, individual and team optimization, organizational effectiveness and strategic alignment and if he sees you eating in an unhealthy manner, he will even help you with your diet.
Barry is consultant and partnered with a leading global organizations. I mean, if you think about it, Barry has either worked with them, he’s working with them right now or he will be working with them shortly. His current research is in the science of decision making, heuristics and cognitive bias. If you don’t know what that is, you need to stay with us because he’s going to describe all of it for you in language that’s easy to understand and in my mind, that’s Barry’s true gift. He takes complicated issues, complicated decisions, and he helps you break them down so that you feel good with the decisions you’re making. Barry is an author, he’s written a couple of books. He appears in magazines, he writes for magazines all the time. He’s the coauthor of the Wall Street Journal, bestselling strengths based leadership, which was a bookie he coauthored a few years ago. He currently lives in Boulder. Like he runs all kinds of like mountain marathon type stuff and he hangs from rocks, he will tell us all about that.
Please join me in welcoming Barry Conchie to the show. Barry, welcome and thank you for being our, I think you’re our fifth ever guest.
Barry Conchie: It’s a pleasure, Dave. Good to see you again.
Dave Lorenzo: It’s great to be with you. Now, let’s start with what I couldn’t remember. Tell me, are you still … You’re still like rock climbing without ropes and stuff? Are you still doing that?
Barry Conchie: We’re still doing crazy things. Mountain biking, rock climbing, doing mountain running. Basically anything in the mountains, Dave. You take me to a beach, I don’t know what to do. But put me in a mountain, I can keep active for days on end.
Dave Lorenzo: Well that’s perfect. Tell me a little bit about some of the lessons you took away from 2018, particularly there’s one that I love because I think most of us people who work in sales, particularly sales leaders, are guilty of this all the time. So your lessons from leadership and by the way, you can find these lessons of leadership on Barry’s website, which is, all together. His lessons of leadership are on there and the one that drew my eye immediately, not just because it was first, but because it’s the one I think most people are guilty of, is about doubling down in defending bad decisions. So, all right, Barry, we’re all guilty of this, right? Sales leaders especially are guilty of this. What do we do instead of doubling down and defending a bad decision once we realize it’s a bad decision and I think that’s a huge part of it, right? Once we realize it’s a bad decision, what do we do?
Barry Conchie: Well, there’s something called sunk cost fallacy, Dave, where people believe that unless you put so much investment time or resources into a problem or an issue you’re working on, even if it’s not working, you would rather put even more in and try to make it work than just write that cost off and it’s an aspect of psychological functioning. We don’t like to think, we fail. So we have a project, we’ve already lost a ton of money on it, and we think maybe just this last investment will make the difference. Maybe it’s just this last effort that somehow I have discovered so far that if I just pushed through and worked really hard just to this next few weeks, maybe it will solve it. It never does. So the sunk cost fallacy suggests that literally is a fallacy to keep sinking costs into a failing entity.
First challenge is to realize it, second challenge is write it off psychologically. Stop thinking that you’re going to solve a problem that no amount of efforts so far has led to a solution. Get out of it.
Dave Lorenzo: At what point do you … How do you … Well, let’s start here. How do you … What’s the easiest way to admit to yourself that this is something that’s not going to work and I need to move on? Is it a question of viewing it as a learning experience versus a failure? I mean, what have you found in counseling executives who make decisions that don’t work out and they’re just doubling down and they’re bought into them. What is the mindset shift that needs to be made in order for them to move on?
Barry Conchie: Well, the toughest one is a public one. So if you’ve signed up for something and you pursuing something and it’s a very, very public issue and you are failing, that’s very, very difficult for people to step away from. I can think of a couple of examples. I mean, we’ve spent plenty of time working with companies who’ve acquired other companies, they don’t always work out.
Now, to what extent do you just write it off? To what extent do you say, I can’t succeed with this and it’s difficult when the issue is so visible. If it’s visible, we almost feel a sense of shame and embarrassment or failure. Actually, I think if you think about it very carefully, I think the reverse is true. If you can turn around and admit that a public commitment you made is now no longer viable for these reasons, I think our integrity goes from that, through this sky, I mean everybody looks at that and thinks, “Whoa, somebody’s admitted a mistake in public”. So I actually think paradoxically it would be better if we just did that and to continue operating on the pretense that they’re going to succeed when all evidence suggests that they won’t.
Dave Lorenzo: Yeah, and there’s a human aspect to it too. You appear to be more human when you admit that you’ve made a mistake. There’s a … It’s almost like it’s a kin to empathy. People can really then connect with you on a human level.
Barry Conchie: They can and we’ve all been in that situation. We’ve all had these insurmountable problems. We’ve all thrown everything that we had, the issue that we’re dealing with and yet we’ve not succeeded, step away. I mean, just admit that maybe you’re not the first to solve this. Maybe there’s somebody else who can, but there’s no shame in stepping away and saying, “You know, that was not a problem I could solve. That was not an issue I could deal with. I’m going to admit to that and actually there are a whole ton of things where I can be more successful and more effective. I’m going to switch over to those”. That would be a much more mature thing to do. Your credibility increases as well.
Dave Lorenzo: So tell me about hiring and surrounding yourself with people who are complimentary to your strengths, right? We work in a world where it’s still more common for people to focus on fixing the things that they’re not great at. Do leaders … Are leaders as threatened by the prospect of bringing in people who are strong in areas where they’re weak as say a salesperson would be?
Barry Conchie: Well, I wish it was as sophisticated as that, Dave. I wish people when they’re going through the hiring process actually have a good line of sight to those issues. The truth is they don’t. So if we were to look at building complimentary partnerships, so given who I am as a leader, I’ve got different deficiencies in known areas, I’m going to select people for those deficiencies. I wish it was as clinical as that, but it isn’t. A lot of the time I spent time working with leaders who were operating under a delusion where they don’t believe they have deficiencies in critical areas. So that’s one problem. Then the second problem is there’s no amount of expertise that they have that will enable them to elicit those deficiencies in an applicant during the job interview.
So there are two problems, Dave, the self reflection problem.
Dave Lorenzo: Yeah, that’s really-
Barry Conchie: But honestly, I can’t identify in the other person as well. You put those two things together, you’ve got a dog’s breakfast. It’s not going to look good.
Dave Lorenzo: So what’s the … So the first step then is to do a personal inventory and really be introspective and look at yourself. Is that right?
Barry Conchie: Yeah, and I would say the first inventory needs to be an objective assessment. It can’t be, “I’m just going to sit and reflect on myself for the next 20 minutes and put a list of things down that I think about myself”. I mean, we’re going to say several levels of wonderfulness at the top of that list and then at the bottom we’re going to say things like, “Well, I work too hard”. Things that are not really weaknesses at all, they’re just obvious statements of self aggrandizement and we don’t want that. So I think the best thing to do is to put yourself through a very robust objective assessment that is designed specifically to identify the characteristics in you that will cause you to succeed or failure for the level that you’re at and there are tools out there. We built tools like that where we talk to leaders and assess leaders precisely for that purpose. Then that gives you at least a clinical basis for thinking then through the kinds of people you need to surround yourself with.
But I would quickly say you’re the least equipped to figure those things out on your own with, again, not having some kind of objectivity to what it is that you would put a person through who was trying to get a job in your company.
Dave Lorenzo: Isn’t it amazing how most often the people who advance in the company advance with a total deficiency of self awareness. I’ve met more sales professionals in organizations who have suffered, who have a greater sense of self awareness than CEOs. Why do you think that is? Why is it that people who seem to rise up through the ranks of leadership are often less self aware? Is it that they’d never been cast in a role that’s ideal for them? What causes that?
Barry Conchie: I’m not so sure it’s a blanket lack of self awareness. So I think that there are certainly individuals who are not as self aware as others. I think leaders are typically more self aware because they’ve had a ton of feedback as they’ve risen through the ranks. They’ve either gone through 360 processes or they’ve had all the kind of coaching or guidance to clearly address issues whether or not they’re strong. So I think that’s probably a better way of stating that issue. There are a few people who are completely unaware of what their primary strengths and weaknesses are, but they tend to fail. They tend to get weeded out at some point.
The issue to me is not that they lack self awareness, but they lack a clinical precision to describe it in an accurate way. So we tend to use very broad generalized buckets and a leader might turn around and say, “Well, you know, I’m just not very good with numbers”. But then when you really dig into it, it really isn’t the number element at all. It’s they are just not detail oriented and are not prepared to put the time into really understanding the details in order to elicit the information that they need from whatever they’re looking at. It’s not that they’re not a numbers person, it’s that they’ve got attention deficit disorder and are rather interested in other things than the details that are in front of them right now. So it’s the lack of clarity and precision around aspects of their functioning that is the issue rather than completely lacking in self awareness.
Dave Lorenzo: That’s interesting. Now I understand. So it’s harder for them to describe what they’re feeling rather than not knowing what they’re feeling. I run into this concept of all the time of the greatest salesperson in the organization being promoted into being a leader of that organization and you and I both know from the work that we’ve done in the past that most often that leads to misery for just about everyone involved. It leads to misery for the person who’s in the job, it leads to misery for the company and it leads to misery for the people that they’re managing, that they’re leading. What is, and this is going to be a great softball question for you. What is the proper way to structure an organization like a sales organization where there’s so much unique ability in the actual doing of the role or the actual managing of the role everyday? What’s the way to structure that?
Barry Conchie: Well, the simple thing on sales is the performance is the qualifier. So if you’re looking at advancing your career as a sales rep and you want to move into sales management, the truth of the matter is some people can make that transition, but others can’t, but performance is the qualifier. So here’s a way to think about it. Let’s just say you’ve got the potential to be a brilliant sales leader, but your performance is horrible. There’s no way you’re going to get that opportunity and the reason for that is you don’t have credibility, but the PPS cost could be leading.
So you haven’t met the minimum requirement. The minimum requirement is you hit your quality, you hit your goal, you do it consistently, it’s visible, people can see that, you are believable. Now we’re going to figure out can you lead sales people? That’s a different question. The fact that you’re a brilliant performer in the sales role makes no guarantee or prediction that you’ll be able to lead other salespeople. So the first issue then is look at performance as the qualifier. The second element is that just because you’re performing very well does not give you the abilities to lead other salespeople. We need to figure that out. We’ve got to ask different questions of you and the way I think about it is this, it’s a bit like a pyramid. If everybody who’s performing well in your organization is populating the base of that pyramid, a relatively small number of people who will populate in the base of that pyramid through performance, they’re going to advance to the higher levels of that pyramid.
We’re going to see people falling away and it’s not because they’re not performing, it’s not because they’re not trying hard, it’s that they’re in a better position selling than they are managing people who sell. Now, the biggest problem, Dave, as you know, we’re not sure to ego in a sell [inaudible 00:15:48] really good one. If we’ve got a good sales force, we’ve got a lot of ego in that room. It’s very, very difficult for a sales rep with that kind of an ego not to believe that a sales management position isn’t for them. It’s so, so hard because they’ve been so successful all of their lives and I have to sit down with these real top performing reps and say, “Do you want to spend the next 10 years in misery or do you want to have a lot of fun and sell even more?” Then put that way, it makes a choice relatively easy. But absent of that kind of pressure, some of them feel with their ego and the aspirations to be bigger and better and do more, that they should move into a management position where they might be a complete disaster.
Dave Lorenzo: Isn’t it also incumbent upon the organization to a structure, a recognition and reward program so that there’s almost two tracks? So in the sales organization, you have the leadership track for people who have the talent to manage, motivate and inspire others. But then you also have the top performer track where those folks are recognized as the engine that makes the company go and I find … No, I want to see if you’re an agreement on this because I find that often times organizations are hesitant to create that second track because of two things really. Number one, they don’t want to feed that ego even more. They’re afraid of what would happen if they feed that ego even more and the second thing that they’re overly concerned about is they’re overly concerned about hurting the people, threatening the people who are in those leadership positions and they’ve just completely lost focus of what will actually drive the outcomes. I’m interested in your thoughts on that.
Barry Conchie: We solve that problem by screening reps at the time that they’re hired for management capability. So imagine you want a rep job in a company, you want to sell in a company. So you apply for a job there, we take you through one of our online scoring tools. That tools also reading whether you’ve got potential to be a manager at some point in the future, it gives you an early indication. So to your point, if you create a management track, let’s base that management tracking on credible evidence and that credible evidence needs to be assessment based, not just you thinking this person might be a good manager because I’m not prepared to trust your judgment.
So what we then do is we have a category of rep now who has a job to do, they got the [inaudible 00:18:22] to hit, they got customers to win over, products to sell, solutions to sell. They have a successful career doing that. But at the same time we’re actually exposing them to management education, manager development. We might put them on broader cross functional teams which might stretch them out a little bit because we saw in their assessment, an indication that they could be a sales manager one day and we’re going to grow that, we’re going to test it, we’re going to see it and that to me is a very sensible approach. The other way you structure a sales force is to create different ladders to different destinations, but not taking the person out with that role.
So can we create a super rep? One of the things that I’ve been particularly interested in is looking at the relationship between certain talents for selling and geographic span. So, if somebody is a successful sales rep, those put then in a bigger geography with bigger opportunity increase sale likelihood of succeeding or failing. That’s an answerable question, we shouldn’t even test that. So I think organizations look at that. Another one is to say, okay, we’re actually going to give you bigger accounts to go after, but we’re going to layer underneath you as sales support person, somebody who can come along and who can do some of the followup work with some of your customers because you’re out there pursuing greenfield opportunities and we can create a ladder that looks like that.
So one ladder might be, “I’m going to give you a massive territories” and other ladder might be, “I’m going to give you the biggest customers”. Another ladder might be, we’ve got something called national accounts where these organizations cut across many, many, many, many geographies and therefore we need to sell this in at the system level or the national level where we’re not having reps nibbling away to each customer in each geography. We’re trying to put together an overarching deal around a structure that enables us to sell at the entity level. Those to me are the kinds of solutions I would like to see organizations pursue and then sales reps can almost self select or we can help them select and then they can get value climbing each of those different ladders.
Dave Lorenzo: That’s great. I love those thoughts. Those are great things for us to think about. I focus on relationship based sales. So I help companies with large, long sales cycles. I help companies who market to the affluent, I help people who are in situations where they’re not going to … There’s not going to be a one call solution. I am a huge advocate that everyone must have a relationship based sales approach in their tool kit, because you never know who’s going to refer you to your next big client. Regardless of whether you’re writing … You’re a pharmaceutical sales rep trying to get doctors to write more prescriptions or you’re a payment systems person who’s trying to switch credit card processing and get people to switch their credit card processing company or if you’re out there working for Gulfstream selling jets or you’re a trust and estates attorney trying to get a family office work where you do a state planning for people who are worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
My contention is, and I want to hear what you have to say about this, my contention is those two sales approaches, the cold call, what I call hit and run sales approach versus a relationship sales approach. I think it’s very difficult to find those talents. That of innate ability in one person because they’re two different types of people who excel at each of those. What do you think about that given the research that you’ve done into behavior and people over the years?
Barry Conchie: Well, for one person to have both those capabilities would be unique and I would say, why go for a needle in a haystack? It makes no sense to me. So the folks who are really, really good at cold calling, breaking down doors and operating with to a degree relational insensitivity, because they’re getting pushback all the time, they’d been told no, nine times out of ten. I mean, to be able to succeed that way requires a certain type of talent and characteristic and we’ve built assessments for that kind of sell falls where they really are selling. They’re stacking it up and they’re selling it cheap and they’re selling in volume and they’re showing up to different places and knocking on doors and they’re getting no, no, no, no, no, maybe and then they just go after the ‘maybes’ and they work on math. They say, “Okay, for every 20 calls I’m going to make one sale. So they set their days with 20 calls knowing they’re going to close one of them and they’re going to get, no, no, no, no, no, as they goes through the day.
That’s a special talent, but it’s not a relational approach and if you want to drive value in sales, you’ve got to have fantastic relationships. So let’s get back to the cold call again. Is that cold call of going back and back and back again and again and again and again and maintaining that relationship? No, they’re doing the sale, they’re moving on all the places to go sell and that’s how they want it. They’ve sold it, you ask them three months time whether they sold it, they can’t even remember because [crosstalk 00:23:50]
Now, if I sit down with you with a relationship and say, “Well Dave, you know, I just don’t remember who the heck you are”, then that’s going to be a problem if we’re trying to build a proper relationship with an organization. So the way I characterize it is, you can stack a mile and selling cheap and sell in high volume and it’s a numbers game. Or you can build a relationship over time and that relationship will drive long term value because you’re actually not selling products in that relationship, you’re selling yourself. But when you sell yourself, there’s an ethical component to how that looks and feels for a client. It makes your word matter. It means that you’ve got to be accurate around what you sell and you’re going to be very precise in the description of value. Now, sure, you’re going to say, “Doing business with me is way better than the guy down the street and here’s why”, but then you use that as the basis for building a fantastic relationship with that buyer over time to the point where you can’t tell them any different from your friends.
I mean, these are people that you had called, you invite them to your kind of kid’s graduation or whatever it might be. In other words, you develop fantastic relationships with them as friends. You just happen to do business with.
Dave Lorenzo: That’s perfect. I love that. That’s a great commentary. One of the things that sticks with me from our time at Gallup was looking at the folks who had and we were able to, and you do it now with your company. You can identify somebody who has empathy versus someone who doesn’t have empathy and that to me is one of the key elements that differentiates the hit and run salesperson from the relationship based salesperson.
The hit and run salesperson can learn what to say to mimic empathy, but it never ever appears genuine and the clients know it, they can sense it and they can feel it. So when you get into the types of products or services were caring and long term thinking and just the emotional aspect of a relationship driven process, the hit and run salesperson, the one who’s really, really good at it, doesn’t have it. They just don’t have it and that’s your way of describing it is, I think it’s spot on. You almost described it now as being diametrically opposed. You to take no that much, you have to be wired in a way that relationships are just not important to you because like me, if I heard no all day long I’d be a basket case. I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed. I couldn’t do it.
Barry Conchie: Well, look at it this way, Dave, and I think asking this question of sales reps is really important as you think about that, their orientation around that work and things. But ask a sales rep who’s breaking down doors every day and selling whatever products [inaudible 00:27:00] from them, can a salesperson sell anything and they’ll say yes and they’ll say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. The reason is that’s what they’ve been doing their entire life. They’ve been bouncing around from company to company, all doing the same kind of thing. I’m putting my foot through a door, breaking in through some of these office to talk to, whatever it is. But I’m selling, selling, selling, selling, selling. But you got to a relational sales rep, a rep who’s building a long term relationship with a customer based on mutual value around what it is the two of them are trying to achieve together and you say to them, “Do you think your sales reconcile anything?” They’ll say, “Absolutely not” and they even turn around and they say, “There are some things I will never sell” and that’s because what they’re selling is so much a part of who they are as a person, but they could never imagine themselves selling that product.
Now sometimes it’s brand specific, but I actually think it’s more around sector of different kinds of work. So for example, could you imagine yourself in a sales rep in Philip Morris, it elicits a very different response from a relational salesperson than it is from somebody who says, “Hey, that might be a way of earning a lot of money”. It’s that kind of questioning that I wish reps would carry out for themselves to prescreen themselves, but just involve opportunities they might face.
Dave Lorenzo: All right, so we’ve had a great conversation with Barry Conchie, the foremost leadership expert on executive performance. If you want to find out more about Barry, I want you to go to his website. It’s conchieassociates, C.O.N.C.H.I.E associates, all together. So C.O.N.C.H.I.E.A.S.S.O.C.I.A.T.E.S.COM. Barry, where can we get more Barry Conchie? Is there a place to go besides the website? What can we … What should we look for? What have you got coming up that we need to know about?
Barry Conchie: Well, you can find me on Linkedin. You can connect to me there. I post quite frequently there on different issues of the day with respect to leadership. We got a book coming out in about a year’s time which is going to be looking at critical issues around leadership. We will be planning a series of articles that will be preceding that. So yeah, connect to me on Linkedin. Look at what’s going on, I’ll keep people up to date and you’ll find out more about how we think about the kinds of works that can help people really achieve top performance.
Dave Lorenzo: Brilliant. So what I’m going to do folks is I’m going to put Barry’s Linkedin, I put his website, a link in the show notes, which you can find on YouTube, on iTunes, on Google, wherever you get your podcasts. I’ll also put his link to his Linkedin profile so you can click on that. You can also find all of this information on my website on under the podcast tab under the show with Barry Conchie and I have to tell you, I could talk to Barry for another three or four hours. I have talked to him for three or four hours straight, but much to his delight we have a limited amount of time today.
Barry, I want to thank you for joining us. It was an absolute pleasure and you will be back in future episodes to talk specifically, as long as you’re willing about sales leadership because we have a great challenge in this country. We have … There are a lot of salespeople, but there are very few people who can inspire and motivate and help sales people succeed and that’s really what it comes down to when it comes down to being a sales leader. So as an expert on leadership, we’re going to lean on you for more advice on sales leadership in the future.
Barry Conchie: I look forward to it, thanks very much Dave.
Dave Lorenzo: All right folks, that’ll do it for another episode of the Do This Sell More show. We’ll see you right back here again next week and until next week, I hope you do this and sell more.
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About Barry Conchie
Barry Conchie, NYT and WSJ bestselling author
A renowned leadership consultant, Barry Conchie is sought after by CEOs around the world to assist in aligning business and talent strategies that drive performance. An expert in executive assessment, team diagnostics, strategy, decision-making and succession planning, he brings objective measurement and insight to these important leadership areas.
Conchie is the coauthor of Strengths Based Leadership as well as a series of journal and magazine articles and white papers. The book encompasses research with more than 1 million work teams, in-depth interviews with more than 20,000 leaders, and further interviews with more than 10,000 followers around the world. Published in January 2009, the book immediately became a New York Times, Wall Street Journal and BusinessWeek bestseller. It is now one of the bestselling leadership books of all time and has released the leadership potential of thousands of individuals around the world.
Conchie was cited by Leadership Insight magazine as one of the world’s top leadership thinkers and practitioners. He consults with a select group of CEO’s and Boards of some of the leading companies and brands where his direct advice and objective guidance has created or accelerated growth that has impacted thousands of employees, leaders and shareholders and millions of customers. He is a frequently requested speaker at conferences and events where he brings his unique data insights to a global audience. He is currently researching decision science and heuristics – the impact of psychological bias on human behavior and performance – where his work brings him into contact with leading contributors in the fields of behavioral economics, neuroscience, social networking and evolutionary psychology.
Conchie honed his own leadership skills as a highly successful public sector leader in the United Kingdom before joining The Gallup Organization in London. In 2002, he brought his extensive global experience to Gallup’s Washington, D.C., headquarters, where he led Gallup’s global executive leadership research and development consulting. He recently founded Conchie Associates in Boulder, CO
When Conchie isn’t at work he is always thinking about work. He spends free time engaged in technical rock climbing, mountaineering and ultra-mountain marathon running (where he has competed in international events). He and his wife, Nicola, live in Boulder, Colorado.
Connect with Barry Conchie
LinkedIn: Barry Conchie
About Dave Lorenzo
David Lorenzo is a sales expert, business strategy consultant, and author who has built five successful businesses during the past 25 years. Some of his most impressive ventures include taking a corporate housing company from start-up to over $50 million in annual revenue and leading a professional services firm from start-up to over $250 million in revenue.
Dave does three things: He works with business leaders to develop sales strategy and drive revenue growth. He develops and delivers speeches and training programs that increase sales. He coaches entrepreneurs, sales executives, and professionals on relationship-based sales strategy.
Dave received his MBA from Pace University. He also holds a Masters’ of Science in Strategic Communications from Columbia University in New York City.
Connect with Dave Lorenzo
Twitter: @TheDaveLorenzo
Instagram: @TheDaveLorenzo
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